( Editorial: --> 9199 )
BRCKO, 17 Dec (Hina/Habena) - The Bosnian Serbs on Wednesday
submitted their proposal on the organisation of the multiethnic
police in Brcko to the office of the supervisor for Brcko, Robert
Farrand, and the International Police Task Force (IPTF) in Bosnia-
The proposal came after yesterday's talks between Farrand and the
Republika Srpska Premier Gojko Klickovic.
Deputy High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina Hans Schumacher
and Brcko Mayor Borko Reljic met in Brcko Wednesday, Habena news
agency reported, quoting a local radio station in Brcko.
According to the agreement between Brcko police and IPTF officials,
the police station in Brcko would have six departments: ordinary
police, border police, traffic police, crime investigation
department, and interior and general affairs departments.
The Serbs proposed that three departments be headed by Serbs, two by
Bosniaks and one by a Croat.
Discussing the proposal on the organisation of Brcko police,
supervisor Farrand and Bosnian Serb Premier Klickovic accepted two
deals yesterday.
According to those deals, traffic police would have only one
multiethnic department which would have the of controlling the
areas under supervision. Traffic police would remain under the
jurisdiction of the Brcko Public Security Centre.
It was agreed that border police be multiethnic, but directly
subordinated to the Republika Srpska Interior Ministry, so that the
head of the border police would be appointed directly by the Bosnian
Serb interior minister.
(hina) rm
172232 MET dec 97
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