( Editorial: --> 8521 )
ZAGREB, Dec 15 (Hina) - The new Albanian government plans to achieve
its strategic goals -- sovereignty, democracy and integration into
Europe -- through good relations with European Union members,
particularly with Italy and Greece, Albanian Foreign Minister
Paskal Milo said in Zagreb on Monday during talks with Croatian
Parliament Speaker Vlatko Pavletic.
Describing Albanian as a factor of peace in the Balkans and the
wider region, Pavletic expressed hope that the new government in
Tirana would "accept all agreements and memorandums signed with
Croatia and keep good relations with it".
Pavletic said he would soon invite a high Albanian Parliament
delegation to visit Croatia.
He said Croatia insisted on the just resolution of the problem of
Kosovo, the southern province in Serbia with a majority Albanian
population, adding that about 10,000 Albanians lived in Croatia and
enjoyed a reputation as hard-working and enterprising citizens.
Milo stressed that "except for our aspiration for European
integration, we do not intend to enter any Balkan integration
process nor do we support creation of any vertical or horizontal
axes in the region".
Speaking of the situation in Albania, Milo said that his government
was trying to restore public order, the work of state institutions
and market economy mechanisms and achieve political and social
However, the Albanian government faced a lot of problems in those
efforts, particularly "a very difficult economic situation," Milo
As regards the Kosovo problem, the new Albanian government had
taken a much more flexible approach, advocating dialogue, he said.
(hina) vm mm
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