( Editorial: --> 6570 )
ROME/SARAJEVO, Dec 7 (Hina/Habena) - The International Fund for
Agricultural Development and the Bosnian government signed an
agreement on financial assistance of a project on the
reconstruction and development of small companies in Bosnia, the
Bosnian foreign ministry said in a statement Sunday.
The agreement was signed in Rome on December 5.
The USD-14-million-worth agreement is IFAD's second project in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was signed by IFAD president Fawzi Al-
Sultan and Bosnia's Ambassador to Italy Vlatko Kraljevic.
An agreement was simultaneously signed between IFAD and Bosnia's
two entities: the Croat-Moslem Federation and the Serb Republic.
IFAD engaged in the post-war reconstruction of small companies in
Bosnia in 1996, together with the World Bank. The project is aimed
at resolving serious issues in the food-processing industry,
reducing unemployment, and at improving basic services in the 25
municipalities of the Federation and five in the Bosnian Serb
(hina) ha
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