ZAGREB, Oct 12 (Hina) - Croatia's President Franjo Tudjman on
Sunday received the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
monitoring committee's delegation that consisted of the
committee's head, Guido de Marco, rapporteurs Gunnar Jansson
and Hanna Suchocka and secretary, John Hartland.
The Council of Europe representatives notified President
Tudjman of their impressions they had got during the visit to
Croatia, the Croatian President's office said in a statement.
The Council of Europe delegation also said that the
country was taking the good path.
President Tudjman expressed his belief that the Council
of Europe officials had gained more objective insight into
Croatia, as it was sometimes forgotten that this country had
already achieved much in all fields important for the Council
of Europe, after it had experienced the Communist system and
had been exposed to the aggression.
Present at the meeting were Croatian Foreign Minister
Mate Granic, a Vice President of the Parliament House of
Representatives and the head of Croatia's parliamentary
delegation to the Council of Europe, Zarko Domljan, an MP and a
member of that Croatian parliamentary delegation, Zdravka
Busic, and Tudjman's foreign affairs advisor, Neven Madey.
(hina) mš
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