ZAGREB, Sept 25 (Hina) - Spokesman for the US State Department,
James Rubin, said on Wednesday that, as an observer at the
Council of Europe, the United States intended to warn the Council
of Europe about Croatia's "non-compliance" with the promises it
made when joining the Council of Europe in November 1996.
A transcript of Rubin's statement to the press was sent to
Hina by the US Embassy in Zagreb on Wednesday.
"Zagreb agreed to fulfil a number of specific conditions,
including refugee return and cooperation with the War Crimes
Tribunal," Rubin said, adding, "In our view, Croatia's
performance on these issues has fallen woefully short".
It will be up to the Council to make its own assessments,
Rubin said, adding that the United States had been urging its
European allies "to keep the pressure on Zagreb until it meets
its obligations under Dayton (agreements), including and
especially on war criminals and human rights," Rubin said.
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