MOSTAR, July 5 (Hina) - Bosnia-Herzegovina's Croatian Democratic Union
(HDZ BiH) leaders, and this party's deputies in the bodies of authority
of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the (Croat-Moslem) Federation and Herzegovina-
Neretva Canton, held a working meeting in Mostar on Saturday when they
considered implementation of the Federation's June 6 conclusions which
refer to the set-up of joint police forces and the interior ministry in
Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, including the establishment of joint police
forces in all municipalities in this canton.
Bosnian HDZ officials accepted and took over the obligation of
implementation of the agreement on establishment of police in
Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, which was defined as a proposal by
representative of partner sides, Croat and Moslem members of the Bosnian
Presidency, Kresimir Zubak and Alija Izetbegovic respectively, said a
statement issued by the HDZ BiH after the Mostar meeting.
Under the agreement, the police would be set up gradually in
the entire canton in line with the Petersberg declaration on the Bosnian
Federation, the statement read.
These officials confirmed their interest in implementation of
that declaration in a whole, and they would take action in this regard.
The declaration envisaged that the national composition of
police in all federal cantons should correspond with the 1991 census.
The HDZ officials who participated in the Mostar meeting,
expect the constructive action from other Croat responsible officials
including the signing of the proposed agreement on establishment of
joint police in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton during Saturday, that is
within 24 hours, according to the statement.
(hina) mš
051736 MET jul 97
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