SARAJEVO, July 7 (Hina) - U.S. General George Joulwan, NATO's commander
in Europe soon to leave this office, said in Sarajevo on Monday that
NATO's mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina had been of huge significance for
the future of NATO, but for the future of the European continent as
What the Peace Implementation Force (IFOR) and the Stabilization
Force (SFOR) did in BH was a real demonstration of the new NATO in
Europe, Joulwan told reporters after a farewell meeting with members of
the BH Presidency.
Joulwan expressed optimism concerning the future of the peace
process in BH, but pointed out it was important that political leaders
respect the common people's wish for peace. The main obstruction to the
peace process were undoubtedly war crimes suspects, Radovan Karadzic in
particular, he added.
Joulwan said NATO forces had not received any new instructions
concerning the arrest of war criminals.
We are following political instructions and to date, they have not
changed, Joulwan said.
(hina) ha mm
071449 MET jul 97
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