OSIJEK, 11 July (Hina) - The agricultural and processing plant 'Belje'
from Baranja is collecting wheat samples on its fields in order to test
the crop's moisture level. Should it be normal, the harvest could start
Friday afternoon, a member of 'Belje' governing board Luka Eljuga said
If weather conditions are good, the harvest on 9,840 hectares in
Baranja, out of which 'Belje' owns 5,220, should be completed in eight
to ten days.
The harvest on fields owned by the agricultural and processing
plant 'Ratarstvo-stocarstvo', which started last week but was broken off
due to rain, continued yesterday and this morning. It is expected that
the harvest will continue on all fields during this afternoon, a member
of the company's managing board Djuro Domacinovic said.
Domacinovic added that 5,058 hectares of 'Ratarstvo-stocarstvo'
land had been sown with wheat. Out of that number, 1,955 hectares are in
the Danube river region. So far, 714 hectares of wheat have been cut,
including 374 hectares in the U.N. -administered area.
(hina) rm mm
111405 MET jul 97
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