ZAGREB, July 7 (Hina) - The promotion of investment by Malaysian
companies in Croatian tourism and the arrival of Malaysian tourists to
the Croatian Adriatic coast will be a new area of economic cooperation
between the two countries, Malaysian Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi said on Monday following a visit to the southern coastal town of
"I will recommend Malaysian tour operators and business people to
come to Dubrovnik," Badawi said in Zagreb after talks with Croatian
Deputy Prime Minister Borislav Skegro.
"As part of economic cooperation between Malaysia and Croatia,
there are several important projects that are already being carried out
- one of them is the construction of a transformer company in Malaysia,
in which Koncar is cooperating with Malaysian companies," Skegro said.
"Tourism is yet another form of economic cooperation that will
bring our countries closer and encourage the development of private
sectors," Badawi said, adding that he identified some concrete
possibilities of Malaysian companies investing on the Adriatic coast on
the basis of partnership and cooperation with Croatian companies.
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071400 MET jul 97
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