PALE, July 2 (Hina) - The command of the NATO-led peace Stabilisation
Force (SFOR) decided Tuesday night to deploy an additional number of
troops in the Serb-controlled Banja Luka area of northwest Bosnia-
Last night we received reports of a possible threat to security in
the Banja Luka area and therefore we established a military presence
there to secure peace, SFOR spokesman Chris Riley told a news conference
in the Serb stronghold of Pale, east of Sarajevo, on Wednesday.
Riley did not specify the number of soldiers but confirmed that
besides personnel military hardware, mainly various vehicles and
armoured personnel carriers, had also been deployed. They belong to the
multinational division Southwest whose command is stationed in the
village of Ramici outside Banja Luka.
Riley could not confirm a report that SFOR troops were deployed in
Banja Luka to prevent the arrival of armed groups that could pose a
threat to Bosnian Serb president Biljana Plavsic.
We are in close contact with Bosnian Serb officials but it is clear
that the resolution of the current situation is a matter of their
responsibility, Riley said, adding that the SFOR command demanded that
the present crisis in the Serb entity be resolved in a peaceful way.
Spokesman for the Office of the High Representative Simon Haselock
said that his office maintained contacts with Bosnian Serb officials but
declined to comment on the contents of talks conducted mainly through
Deputy High Representative Michael Steiner.
We expect political differences to be solved in a democratic way,
Haselock said, describing the situation in the Serb entity as a
constitutional crisis that should be solved through relevant
institutions such as the Constitutional Court.
UN mission spokesman Alexander Ivanko said that the UN supported
Plavsic as legally elected president of the Serb Republic.
Now we are in a situation when a serious departure from provisions
of the Dayton peace agreement is evident and the Serb authorities are
responsible for that, Ivanko said.
We are particularly concerned about the implementation of those
parts of the agreement which fall within the UN mandate, particularly
the restructuring of the police force and the setting up of checkpoints
on roads, Ivanko said, alluding to Bosnian Serb Interior Minister Dragan
Kijac and politicians supporting him in his conflict with Plavsic.
Ivanko warned Bosnian Serbs that failure to implement the peace
agreement would directly affect their lives and further aggravate their
already difficult situation because the international community would
withhold economic and financial aid.
(hina) vm
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