ZAGREB, July 2 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman on Wednesday
received the outgoing Chinese Ambassador to Croatia, Xie Xiqin, and
decorated him with the Order of Prince Trpimir.
During the ceremony, President Tudjman said that the medal was a
credit to Xie's efforts in developing good and friendly relations
between China and Croatia.
Addressing Xie as "a good and dear friend", Tudjman said that Xie's
efforts resulted in the strengthening of relations between "big China
and small Croatia" in areas ranging from politics and economics to
Expressing his gratitude for the high Croatian decoration, Xie said
that it was an honour to him personally and a credit to his country.
Describing the current relations between Croatia and China as
stable and improving, he said that they had great prospects.
Xie relayed to Tudjman greetings from Chinese President Jiang Zemin
and his thanks for a letter of congratulations on the return of Hong
Kong under Chinese sovereignty.
(hina) vm
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