KRISTIANSAND, Norway, June 23 (Hina) - Croatian Education Minister
Ljilja Vokic on Monday addressed the participants in a Council of Europe
ministerial conference on education, taking place in the Norwegian town
of Kristiansand between 22 and 24 June.
Vokic spoke about education in Croatia at a work meeting of
ministers and heads of delegations, whose topic was secondary school
education and the study of history and foreign languages.
In education policy Croatia did not lag significantly behind
European countries, Vokic said after the meeting, adding that in some
issues Croatia even led the way.
She pointed out that Croatia was the first among countries in
transition to introduce a two-way system, and that not every European
country had alternative school books.
"Croatia gives its minorities such rights in education as no other
European country", said Vokic, and announced that on Tuesday, the last
day of the conference, she would speak about the schooling of minorities
in UN-administered eastern Slavonia, and hold a press conference.
The Council of Europe's ministerial conference on education focuses
on secondary school education, education on human rights, foreign
languages, history, and cooperation with new democracies, with a stress
on education in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and eastern Slavonia.
Taking part in the conference are 26 education ministers and the
heads of delegations from 47 countries.
(hina) ha jn
231535 MET jun 97
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