SARAJEVO, March 25 (Hina) - The reconstructed building of Bosnian
Franciscans' theological college in the Sarajevo district of
Nedzarici, was opened ceremonially on Tuesday when the official
return of the institution to the Bosnian capital was marked.
The Bosnian Franciscan theological college had to be in exile
in Samobor, near Zagreb, for four years when Bosnian Serb forces
occupied that part of Sarajevo.
A Croat member of Bosnia-Herzegovina's Presidency, Kresimir
Zubak, President and Vice President of the (Croat-Moslem)
Federation, Vladimir Soljic and Ejup Ganic respectively, the
Federation's Premier, Edhem Bicakcic, and many state and federal
ministers, a deputy to the international High Representative to
Bosnia, Michael Steiner, and Croatian Ambassador to Bosnia, Darinko
Bago attended the ceremonial opening. The Roman Catholic Archbishop
of Sarajevo, Cardinal Vinko Puljic also addressed the ceremony.
The head of Bosnian Franciscans, Fr. Petar Andjelovic, said
that the return of about 20 professors and 60 students to Sarajevo
raised a spark of hope of opening the door for the return of
hundreds of thousands of refugees.
"While others think that one should flee Bosnia, friars are
bringing back all what they have (to the country)," Fr. Petar
Andjelovic said and thanked friars' supporters.
He recalled that friars had been profoundly incorporated
into Bosnia, and had been sharing the destiny of this country for
seven centuries so that the survival both of those friars and
Bosnia had been inextricably linked.
On June 8, 1992, Serb paramilitaries took professors and
students of the Franciscans' college captive and held them for two
days in the building when they forced them to leave it. It was for
the first time in the centuries-long history of Bosnian Franciscan-
led schools that such an institution had to be relocated from
During the siege of Sarajevo, Serbs used the building of the
college as their military fortification and badly damaged at the
time. They looted the library, all furniture and equipment and
destroyed the rest of it. Therefore it was necessary that
Franciscan communities in Bosnia, Croatia, Austria and Germany
helped renovate the building.
(hina) jn mš
251631 MET mar 97
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