OSIJEK, Feb 11 (Hina) - In connection with last night's murder in
Beli Manastir the Croatian Government Office for temporary
administration said that after an investigation, which the
transitional police, an investigating judge, the municipal public
attorney, the court in Beli Manastir and UNTAES civilian police had
conducted, it was established that Josip Polz, born in 1942, his
wife Irena Polz, b. in 1947, and Roza Jelic b. in 1920, were killed
by fire arms.
The investigation also established that the motive for the
murder was a gain, as the unidentified perpetrator had taken away a
big sum of money, the statement said.
The search for the killer is still under way.
(hina) mm mš
111830 MET feb 97
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