( Editorial: --> 5177 )
Zagreb, Oct 2 (Hina) - During his second Pastoral visit to Croatia
Pope John Paul II on Friday addressed Croatia's youth and citizens
gathered outside the Zagreb Cathedral.
Dear people of Zagreb and of all Croatia, dear young people and
families: peace be with you!
Here, before this majestic Cathedral, a monument of faith and art
which preserves the earthly remains of the Servant of God Cardinal
Alojzije Stepinac, I greet you in the name of the Resurrected
Christ, the only Savior of the world, and I embrace you all with
great affection!
My thoughts go to all the beloved people of this country, to whose
noble traditions of civilization I am pleased to pay homage. In a
particular way, I address you Christians, who, according to the
words of the Apostle Peter, must be "prepared to make a defence to
any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you" (1 Pet
I thank Providence which has guided my steps and brought me back
once more to Croatia. The words of one of your poets come
spontaneously to my lips: "Here all are brothers to me / I feel truly
at home . . ." (D. Domjanić, Kaj). I would like to be able to greet
personally all the people of this land, at all social levels: from
farmers to manual workers, from housewives to professionals, from
sailors and fishermen to office workers and people of culture and
science; from the youngest to the elderly and the sick. My good
wishes of peace and hope go to everyone!
With affection I turn particularly to you young people, who have
come out in such great numbers to greet me upon my arrival in your
country. I am especially pleased that my pilgrimage is starting off
under the sign of young people.
Dearest friends, in you I greet the future of this region and of the
Church in Croatia. Today Christ is knocking at the door of your
hearts: open the door to welcome him! He has the right answer to your
expectations. With him, under the loving gaze of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, you will be able to build your future creatively.
The citizen, particularly the believer, has precise
responsibilities for his own homeland. Your country expects from
you a significant contribution in the different areas of social,
economic, political and cultural life. Its future will be better to
the degree that each one of you makes a commitment to self-
Human life on this earth entails difficulties of various kinds:
solutions to these are certainly not to be found by seeking refuge
in hedonism, consumerism, drugs or alcohol. I exhort you to face
adversities with courage, to look for answers to them in the light
of the Gospel. You must rediscover the resources of faith, so that
you can draw from them the strength to bear courageous and
consistent witness.
I have ardently desired to make this second Visit to Croatia in
order to continue the pilgrimage of faith, hope and peace begun in
September 1994. Now, happily, the war is no more. My hope is that
there will never again be war in this noble country. May this land,
together with neighbouring regions, becomes an abode of peace: true
and lasting peace, which is always built upon justice, respect for
others and the coexistence of different peoples and cultures.
Croatia, an integral part of Europe, has definitively closed a
painful chapter of its history, leaving behind the terrible
tragedies of the twentieth century in order to look towards the new
millennium with a fervent desire for peace, freedom, solidarity and
cooperation among peoples.
It is my desire that the fundamental rights of the person will be
ever better recognized and embraced in this country, beginning with
the right to life from its very first moments until its natural end.
The degree of a Nation's civilization is measured by the compassion
which it shows its weakest and most needy members, and by its
commitment to work for their rehabilitation and their full
inclusion into social life.
The Church feels called to be part of this process of human
promotion. She knows, however, that her first and primary duty is to
make her contribution by proclaiming the Gospel and forming
I fervently wish that the people of Croatia will remain faithful to
Christ also in the future. This faithfulness holds the secret of
true freedom: it is Christ, in fact, who "for freedom . . . has set us
free" (Gal 5:1). And this freedom, as one of your poets sings, "is a
gift in which God Most High has given us every treasure" (I.
Gundulić, Dubravka).
Goodbye until tomorrow at the Shrine of Marija Bistrica!
I now invoke the blessing of God and the protection of the Blessed
Virgin Mary upon all of you here present, upon all who have joined us
by radio and television, and upon all the people of this country.
May the Lord grant you steadfast faith, active harmony and the
wisdom to make decisions inspired by the common good.
And may there never disappear from your lips the beautiful greeting
which I too now address to you:
Praise to Jesus and Mary!
(Hina) sp
022035 MET oct 98
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