( Editorial: --> 0571 )
ZAGREB, Sept 15 (Hina) - The participants in the Croatian Economic
Forum, being held at the Zagreb Autumn Trade Fair, on Tuesday
interviewed the Premier and members of the Croatian Government
regarding the value added tax (VAT), unpaid claims, and economic
relations with the world, especially with neighbouring countries.
Exporters will not be exempt from VAT, Croatian Finance Minister
Borislav Skegro said.
Premier Zlatko Matesa told hoteliers the government would not
reduce the VAT, but would return it through cheaper loans for the
reconstruction and refurbishment of hotels.
Skegro announced changes to the VAT law, including extending the
accounting period from 15 to 30 days, and raising the taxpayer
threshold applicable to the VAT from the current 50,000 kunas to a
level two to three times higher.
The Finance Minister also announced that postal deliveries from
abroad would be relieved of VAT.
Speaking about the problems of insolvency, Skegro said the
government was not against the introduction of multilateral
compensation as a possible solution.
The highest claims, according to Skegro, come from banks, the
Ministry of Finance, pension and health funds, customs, commodity
reserves, and the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and
In other words, Skegro said, "the state is a net creditor in
billions of kunas".
Asked how clever the reduction of the military industry was when the
rest of the world was working towards making it stronger, Premier
Matesa said only what was profitable would be kept.
In view of the crisis in Russia, Economy Minister Nenad Porges
called on those who export to that country to submit data to the
Ministry of Economy in order to find a solution.
The government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also
supportive of companies with unpaid claims from countries such as
Iran, Sudan and Libya.
The Premier pointed out however that some of these countries were
under UN sanctions and were using this as an excuse for the non-
Speaking about economic relations with the Bosnian Serb entity,
Matesa said business could be conducted with it since it is one of
Bosnia's entities.
Confirming this, Porges said the Bosnian Serb entity was not
included in a trade agreement with Bosnia's other entity, the
Croat-Muslim Federation.
It is Croatia's aim however to regulate relations with all of Bosnia
as it is one of Croatia's most significant partners, Porges said.
(hina) ha jn/mbr
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