( Editorial: --> 9007 )
BUSOVACA, Sept 8 (Hina) - International and local representatives
on Tuesday opened the sewerage, water supply and power supply
systems and a newly-constructed road in Busovaca, central Bosnia.
The projects, worth DM 1,223,000, were financed by the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The newly-constructed systems and the road were opened by the US
Ambassador to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Richard Kauzlarich, the Croat
member of the BH Presidency Kresimir Zubak and USAID director in
Bosnia, Craig Buck.
The projects will secure water supply for about 7,500 residents of
Seven Croat and Bosniak (Muslim) villages have been connected to
the power supply network.
Ambassador Kauzlarich commended the Croat and Muslim municipal
leaders of Busovaca, which so far has accepted 500 Muslim
Kauzlarich said he hoped he would soon be able to help in the
implementation of other projects in Busovaca.
(hina) rml /mbr
081946 MET sep 98
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