( Editorial: --> 7744 )
ZAGREB, Sept 2 (Hina) - The talks the US Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright held with Croatian officials were a friendly
discussion, former US Defence Secretary William Perry said
Wednesday commenting on the Croatian-American relations following
Albright's visit to Croatia last weekend.
Croatia and the United States are and will remain friends, Perry
said in an interview with tonight's Croatian Television news
broadcast "Motrista".
Croatia made considerable progress during the past five years but
the United States is slightly impatient and would like to see
greater progress, Perry said.
However, there is no disagreement between the two countries
concerning the basic issues, he added.
Speaking about Croatia approaching Euro-Atlantic associations and
NATO, Perry said Croatia needed to continue following the vision of
its full admission to Europe and NATO.
That will happen in the future, he said adding that Croatia's most
important task currently was its admission to the Partnership for
Peace programme.
The former Defence Secretary recalled cooperation with the late
Defence Minister Gojko Susak.
The US government has given Croatia certain instructions on how to
become a member of the Partnership for Peace programme and those
instructions should be viewed as guidelines, not as requirements,
Perry said.
He added he would like the two countries to form a team which would
consider all other problems whose solution could result in further
Commenting on the Kosovo crisis, Perry said his country could not
propose models for carrying out a military operation but rather
offer diplomatic assistance.
However, if the crisis reaches the point where diplomatic
assistance is of no help, Europe and NATO should be ready to start a
military action, he said.
(hina) rml
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