( Editorial: --> 7684 )
ZAGREB, Sept 2 (Hina) - Former US Defence Secretary William Perry
held a lecture at Zagreb's Institute for Defence Studies, Research
and Development.
The lecture focused on the security strategy for the 21st century.
On an introductory note, Croatian Assistant Defence Minister Lt.
Gen. Kresimir Cosic said the Institute was a part of a vision of a
new defence ministry by the later Defence Minister Gojko Susak.
The purpose of this institution is to boost overall scientific
research important for the defence and security of Croatia.
Perry lectured that one of the biggest NATO tasks was to define a new
security model after the cold war and the disintegration of the
Soviet Union. Today's model of security, considering the situation
in Europe, should be a preventive defence, which is the sum of all
programmes drawn up to minimalise hazards and dangers of a breaking
out of a new world war.
Perry mentioned several such programmes, including the Partnership
for Peace programme.
NATO's goals in the new security model for Europe are also the
prevention of the spread of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear,
biological and chemical weapons), so they wouldn't end up in the
wrong hands, and the prevention of regional aggressions
threatening the security of countries in NATO's midst, Perry said.
He stressed that all changes of NATO's goals and mission, and
alterations of locations of NATO's actions, would require great
changes in its organisation and structure.
Also, a change of relations of armed forces towards high-tech
equipment would be necessary, Perry added.
(hina) lml
021909 MET sep 98
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