( Editorial: --> 7338 )
ZAGREB, Sept 1 (Hina) - Twenty-eight officers of the Croatian armed
forces were given promotions on Tuesday.
Deputy Defence Minister Kresimir Cosic delivered the promotions on
behalf of Croatian President Franjo Tudjman at the Defence Ministry
building in Zagreb.
The officers were promoted to ranks of staff brigadier, brigadier,
lieutenant colonel and major, for their dedication and diligent
work in creating and strengthening the Croatian army.
The basic task of the new senior officers is to create a modern and
contemporary armed force of the 21st century, Cosic said.
Staff Brigadier Mate Ostovic expressed gratitude on behalf of the
promoted officers, and stressed that they were prepared to accept
all duties presented before them, with the aim of further
strengthening and expanding the Croatian armed forces.
(hina) lml
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