( Editorial: --> 6443 )
VINKOVCI, Aug 27 (Hina) - The function of transitional
commissioner, municipal council and municipal leadership for the
eastern Croatian municipality of Mirkovci will cease to function as
of September 1.
Instead, a commissioner for the Mirkovci local committee will be
appointed, the Office of Vinkovci mayor, Mladen Karlic, said on
Representatives of the Vinkovci city administration, Vukovar-
Srijem County Prefect Rudolf Koenig, representatives of the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and
representatives of Mirkovci held a meeting in Vinkovci on Thursday
to discuss Mirkovci's inclusion into the system of local government
and self-government of Vinkovci.
The talks also focused on the formal completion of the transitional
status of this municipality established by the administration of
the former Transitional Administrator for eastern Slavonia,
Baranja and western Srijem, Jacques Klein.
The Vinkovci city leadership will appoint an administrator for the
Mirkovci municipality who will be in office until local elections
in mid-December 1998.
(hina) lml
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