( Editorial: --> 6206 )
BRCKO, Aug 27 (Hina) - International supervisor for Brcko (north-
eastern Bosnia) Robert Farrand on Wednesday adopted two
regulations concerning school curricula in two suburbs and the
public information system in the process of two-way return.
Farrand's decision came after Bosniaks and Croats on one side and
Serbs on the other failed to reach an agreement on this year's
school curriculum.
According to Farrand's regulation, Bosniak children in two Brcko
suburbs, which are in the Bosnian Serb territory, will be taught in
the Bosniak language but will have compulsory Serbian language
The pupils will learn both the Latin and Cyrillic scripts.
If the education system in Republika Srpska fails to provide books
written in the Latin script, pupils will use books in the Latin
script published before the war.
Should these books not be available, books written during or after
the war will be used but any reference to the history of the former
Yugoslav republics after 1990 will be avoided.
Religion or civil defence classes will not be compulsory.
Teachers will be appointed by the authorities of the Croat-Muslim
Federation, possibly from among returnees and with parents'
According to Farrand's second regulation, as of September 18, the
town executive committee is to launch a public information campaign
on the two-way return.
By September 1, the town committee is to make a list of all
communities in the return zone, not including 16 communities which
have already been listed by the Brcko Office of the High
Representative (OHR).
The registration of communities should be done in cooperation with
the OHR.
The town executive committee is to make a list of all unoccupied
houses by September 18.
The local multi-ethnic police force have been entrusted with
devising security plans for return zones, later to be approved by
the international police.
(hina) rml
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