( Editorial: --> 5941 )
BUENOS AIRES/ZAGREB, Aug 26 (Hina) - Argentina is currently not
bound by a deadline to extradite Nada Sakic to Croatia, while
Croatia has one month to collect Sakic from the moment the
Argentinean administration completes its work, an advisor at the
Croatian Embassy in Buenos Aires said on Tuesday.
"At the moment Argentina isn't bound by any extradition deadline",
Ivo Radovic told Hina over the phone.
After all administrative proceedings are completed Argentina will
give Croatia a one-month-period to collect Nada Sakic, he
A decree on the extradition of Esperanza (Nada) Tambic de Bilanovic
Sakic was signed by Argentinean President Carlos Menem last
A verdict on the extradition should be signed by a competent
Argentinean judge and then forwarded to the Argentinean Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
Only when the said procedure has been completed, "when the
(Argentinean) Foreign Ministry notifies us, then Croatia will have
one month to collect Nada Sakic", said Radovic.
He added it was difficult to say at the moment "when the deadline
will come into effect".
According to a Zagreb County Court investigation decision, Nada
Sakic is charged with war crimes against humanity, which she
allegedly committed as an officer at Stara Gradiska, a
concentration camp in World War II Croatia.
Asked if there was any indication towards a complaint which might
delay the extradition, Radovic answered in the negative.
Judging by the scarcity of media coverage of Nada Sakic's
extradition, Argentina does not seem to be interested in the fate of
the wife of Dinko Sakic, the commander of Jasenovac, another WW2
concentration camp in Croatia, who received massive media coverage
leading to his extradition to Croatia on June 17.
There have been no reports on Nada Sakic for weeks, Radovic told
Hina, adding he believed the Argentinean media would report her
extradition only when it was carried out.
(hina) ha
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