( Editorial: --> 5793 )
SARAJEVO, Aug 25 (Hina) - Members of the NATO-led peace
Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia discovered the remains of an
unidentified helicopter which crashed 20km south of Srebrenica in
the east of the country.
Without specifying when exactly the remains were discovered, SFOR
spokeswoman Sheen Thompson said in Sarajevo on Tuesday that NATO
soldiers were trying to access the wreck located on a mountain top.
It is assumed the wreck is an Mi-8 transport helicopter, but the
identification is hampered by the absence of any trademarks.
Thompson confirmed there are no signs of life on the site of the
The SFOR command is Bosnia has not been notified that a helicopter
from Bosnia or abroad has been reported as missing.
An investigation into the circumstances of the crash will be
conducted by the SFOR. If necessary the Bosnian State
Administration for Civilian Air Traffic will be asked to assist.
(hina) ha
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