( Editorial: --> 3740 )
MOSTAR, Aug 14 (Hina) - Head of the Mostar Office of the
International High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Martin
Garrod, on Friday held talks with the Herzegovina-Nerevta Canton
Interior Minister, Valentin Coric, and his deputy, Sefkija Dziho.
Garrod called on all canton officials to help with the very
difficult security problems in this canton.
Coric and Dziho are to, within the next few days, suggest a way of
reconstructing the Stolac municipal police.
Announcing many changes in the Stolac police, Coric said the number
of officers would increase and several officials, both Croat and
Bosniak (Moslem) would be dismissed.
These will be the most radical changes made since he began working
with Dziho, Coric said.
The canton police will ensure absolute safety on all political
rallies that will take place before the Bosnian general elections
in September.
Dziho stressed he did not think the security situation in the canton
was satisfactory in all segments, especially with occurring crimes
such as arson, destruction and mining, and the fact that in none of
the 80 cases, not one perpetrator had been discovered.
(hina) lml
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