( Editorial: --> 2929 )
MOSTAR, 10 Aug (Hina) - Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Prefect Zeljko
Obradovic on Monday held talks with Croat representatives from the
Jablanica municipality regarding the latest events in Doljani and
Sovici - settlements in the Jablanica municipality where several
hundred Bosniak (Muslim) refugees have returned to in the past
several days.
The return had not been agreed with the international mediator for
the Croat-Muslim Federation, Christian Schwartz-Schilling, nor
was it in line with the canton return plan, Croat representatives
The return of Bosniaks does not contribute to the improvement of the
situation but has "elements of militant triumphalism and has
embittered the local population", they said.
The Stabilisation Force knew about and applied inappropriately
strong security measures for the return, ignoring the real
situation on the ground, Croat representatives said during the
(hina) rml /mbr
102123 MET aug 98
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