( Editorial: --> 9257 )
ZAGREB, July 22 (Hina) - International organisations have welcomed
instructions for the establishment of housing commissions as
another concrete step in implementing the Croatian Government's
refugee return programme.
Government instructions to local authorities in areas of return
regarding the establishment and activities of housing commissions
are of great importance, because it sets a deadline for their
formation by the end of July, said the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) spokesman in Zagreb, Mark Thompson, on
Thompson was speaking at the regular weekly press conference in
Zagreb held jointly by the OSCE, the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations.
All decisions which were delivered by housing commissions prior to
the release of the instructions on July 20 are considered illegal
and will be reexamined, which does not necessarily mean they will be
changed, Thompson said.
The OSCE spokesman emphasised that it would be impossible to begin
implementing the programme if all areas of return in the country
were not totally covered by the competencies of the housing
Coordinated action by housing commissions across the country
therefore will be decisive for a successful beginning to the
implementation of the return programme, he said.
The OSCE and the UNHCR from next week or a week later will begin
releasing regular weekly reports on the implementing of the return
programme with the aim of enabling journalists and the public to see
the progress made, Thompson said.
He announced that OSCE mission to Croatia head Tim Guldiman, who was
injured in a traffic accident in Zagreb last week, would be released
from a hospital in Zurich today and would continue his recuperation
next week.
He will return to Zagreb at the beginning of August.
Mr. Guldiman thanks all those who sent him wishes for a speedy
recovery and praises the high quality medical care offered to him in
Zagreb, Thompson said.
United Nations Liaison Office (UNLO) in Zagreb spokeswoman Kirsten
Haupt said the number of incidents in the eastern Danube River
region during the past seven days had been reduced considerably in
relation to the previous week.
She also turned to comments on by Croatian Parliament Vice-
President Vladimir Seks, reported in the Croatian media, that
representatives of the international community in the Osijek-
Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem Counties had not participated in mine
clearing programmes.
We seriously regret such incorrect comments by Mr Seks, she said,
emphasising that the international community had in large measures
participated in de-mining projects in the Danube region since
January this year, of which some have been completed and others are
continuing. These projects mostly involved the de-mining of the
agricultural areas.
She said that before the adoption of the amendment to the Law on Mine
Clearing in June this year, it had been difficult for foreign
humanitarian agencies to be included in de-mining projects in
Croatia. But the amendments have resolved this problem.
We regret Mr Seks is not aware of these particulars, Haupt
UNHCR mission to Croatia chief Robert Robinson and the Croatian
Government's Office for Refugees and Displaced Persons head Lovre
Begovic on Monday met in Belgrade with high-ranking officials from
the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry and the Serbian Refugees Commission,
UNHCR spokesman Andrej Mahecic said.
Robinson said the meeting concentrated on confirming the procedure
registering return, and it was constructive. The next such meeting
will be held in the second week in August in Montenegro, the UNHCR
spokesman said.
Mahecic said the return programme had to be carried out in
accordance with established rules and government instructions.
There were cases in Baranja where assembly centres had been offered
as alternative accommodation, which was not in accordance with the
government's return programme, Robinson said.
(Hina) mbr jn /is
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