( Editorial: --> 8562 )
BOL, July 19 (Hina) - The Croatian national football team
celebrated winning the third place and bronze medal at the 1998
World Cup at a discotheque in Bol on Brac island (southern Adriatic)
on Saturday night.
Celebrating the night of the "Fiery XI" (as the team is known) at the
"Faces Club Kaltenberg", representatives of the Bol Tourist
Association presented team captain Zvonimir Boban and striker
Davor Suker, the best scorer in France '98, with a CD-ROM detailing
information on the town of Bol and T-shirts titled "Thanks to the
Fiery XI".
The entertainment programme included performances by pop group
Boem and singer Alka Vujica, and a fashion show featuring designs by
fashion designer and performing artist Matija Vujica.
Several thousand guests celebrated the remarkable success of the
team until the break of dawn at Faces Club Discotheque which is
owned by one of the players, defender Igor Stimac.
Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Ljerka Mintas-Hodak, Ante Jelavic,
president of the Bosnian wing of the Croatian Democratic Union,
leading diplomat Davor Stambuk, and other prominent figures of
Croatian public life joined the party.
(Hina) is /mbr
191117 MET jul 98
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