( Editorial: --> 9923 )
SARAJEVO, June 9 (Hina) - The Office of the High Representative
(OHR) in Bosnia-Herzegovina has refused objections of the Bosniak
side to the content of a Memorandum on Understanding regulating the
reorganisation of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Radio and Television (RTV
Rida Attarashani, media advisor with Westendorp's office, told
reporters on Tuesday that the OHR could not accept the request by
the Bosnian Presidency President Alija Izetbegovic that no
international representative be included in the new RTV BiH
administrative board.
Izetbegovic's advisor on foreign policy Mirza Hajric on Monday
opposed the idea of an international supervisor participating in
the management of the RTV BiH.
Talks on these questions have been going on since last autumn and
almost every week we received new objections to our proposals. The
issue of supervisor has never been disputable until Hajric made it
disputable in his last statement, Attarashani said.
On Tuesday Attarashani met with representatives of the RTV BiH
Independent Union.
In a letter to Izetbegovic, High Representative Westendorp
explained that the international supervisor in the RTV BiH would
not have as nearly such a role as the person sitting in the Serb
Radio-Television in Banja Luka.
The supervisor in the RTV BiH would be a link between the RTV BiH and
international community and work on securing financial and other
forms help, Attarashani said.
Unlike Izetbegovic, the Croat member of the Bosnian Presidency,
Kresimir Zubak, has taken a very constructive stand towards the
reorganisation of the RTV BiH, Westendorp's advisor said.
Although the signing of the Memorandum was announced for Tuesday,
representatives of the OHR and union representatives from the RTV
BiH today failed to sign the document due to an omission in its
translation and the need to discuss the accompanying documents.
However, the Independent Union has already given full support for
the draft Memorandum, agreed on in direct negotiations.
It is expected that the document could be signed on Wednesday.
The OHR has announced unofficially that Zubak could sign the
document as early as Tuesday, at a meting of the administrative
board of the Council for Implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords
in Luxembourg.
It is expected that pressure will be exerted on Izetbegovic to sign
the Memorandum because the international community has shown open
dislike for his actions in this area.
The Memorandum envisages the establishment of a new administrative
board by June 12. Should members of the Bosnian Presidency fail to
elect members of the new administrative board, Westendorp would do
it himself.
8hina) rml
091455 MET jun 98
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