( Editorial: --> 3884 )
ZAGREB, Feb 22 (Hina) - In a speech which closed the fourth general
convention of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), HDZ President
Franjo Tudjman said that events since the party's first public
appearance in 1989-1990 until today, and its results, show that the
party's role in the establishment of an independent, sovereign and
democratic Croatian state is of crucial importance.
However, these events show that the HDZ's mission is not completed,
and that the task which remains is the further development of a
prosperous and democratic Croatian state, Tudjman said.
Calling for consensus in the achievement of vital national aims,
Tudjman reiterated the party's invitation for cooperation to all
related parties.
One should also be aware of problems, oversights and mistakes which
happened and are happening due to objective and subjective reasons,
Tudjman said.
In the past half century of Croatia's political life, there is no
meeting which managed to consider not only party issues and tasks
but also the state of the nation in such a mature way, Tudjman said.
Our job has not been completed, but we know that with the majority of
Croatian people we will continue to work for the prosperity of the
Croatian state, the HDZ President said, warning about
responsibility to future generations.
Speaking about political opponents, Tudjman called on his party to
remain united for the sake of development and prosperity of the
Croatian state and its citizens.
If at the time of De Gaulle France needed a movement for national
unity (RPR), then Croatia needs such a movement as well. One should
be aware of that and teach those who are unaware, who are idolaters
and who serve foreign interests, Tudjman said, reiterating the
importance of developing the awareness of people for the
establishment of their own state.
"People should be told - you have the right to ask from the state,
but you also have obligations towards the state," Tudjman said.
Speaking about the prevailing relations in the world, Tudjman said
that one should be aware of the time we are living in and direct
strength to developing spiritual consciousness, so that oversights
from the past could not be repeated.
All our historical experiences teach us that in international
relations we must be wise, and have a strong and determined policy,
which would also be flexible, but to the limit of vital national
interests, avoid one-sided policy and have in mind the reality that
there is no nation which realised all its interests in such a short
Therefore, today, because of such circumstances we emerged from, we
can say that we have achieved more than our opponents thought we
would ever achieve. We have to rely on the spiritual and material
strength of our own people, preserving the achievements and not bow
to others' recommendations, Tudjman said.
The HDZ must be the leader in all areas not because we would want it
that way, but because we encountered at all levels a suppressed
national conscience, which should be developed.
Speaking about the HDZ's policy of reconciliation, Tudjman said
that the achievement of that policy was that those Croats who were
on opposing sides during World War II, offered each other a hand.
A considerable number of them did this with heart and sincerity, but
there are also those who haven't done this with full confidence. It
is up to the young, Tudjman said, to make people forget old
divisions and to carry Croatian national feeling which will not be
divided by internal battles because of foreign interests.
The raising of the self-confidence of the Croatian people in all
areas is a task for all of us, Tudjman said adding this had to
include all levels of Croatian society.
The HDZ is and must be open to problems in the country and the modern
world. Mistakes and oversights occurred not only because of
objective circumstances, but also because of subjective reasons.
The task is to promote unity and supreme national interests which
respect human rights and the highest democratic values, he said,
adding that alongside this task was the development of
However, it has to be clearly stated to opposition parties and
individual foreign factors that there is democracy in Croatia and
that they can not put forward criticisms of a one-party system just
because the HDZ has a majority to deliver decisions, Tudjman said.
He called on HDZ's parliamentary representatives to accept all
proposals from opposition ranks if they were in any way connected
with the improvement and advancement of Croatian interests and
benefited the Croatian people.
He sent an invitation to related parties to cooperate with the HDZ.
In the interest of resolving problems on either the local or
national level we have to be consistent in offering this
cooperation, Tudjman said, adding that the HDZ also had to be the
instigator of cooperation with other countries.
This convention shows the strength and maturity of the HDZ which has
grown to be the largest party in the history of the Croatian people
and is on a level with the developed world, Tudjman said.
The HDZ is being criticised that Croatia is a HDZ Croatia, Tudjman
Croatia is Croatian. We recognise the participation of others, but
the reality is such that history will write that what was achieved
resulted largely from the HDZ, he said.
In no street, municipality, town or county must we close our eyes to
problems, but be able to solve them, because the HDZ must be the
pioneer in solving all problems, the HDZ President said.
We must also be pioneers in preventing all forms of misuse of
authority and oppose bureaucracy. Conscientious clerks should be
appreciated, but "bureaucrats should be swept from the state
administration and public services with an iron broom", Tudjman
The HDZ must be the keeper, bearer and guarantor of morals and
application of the highest ethic principles, he added.
Tudjman called on the bodies of state authority to carry out their
tasks, warning that there were some irresponsible individuals in
the HDZ who thought they could implement a policy of their own.
He warned all HDZ members who had been appointed to responsible
state posts that they were responsible for implementing the HDZ
programme in line with moral principles.
If they are not ready for that, they should "resign and not
implement a policy contrary to ours", he said.
"I am very satisfied with and surprised at the high-quality
discussion at HDZ's fourth general convention," Tudjman said,
calling for consistent implementation of the party's policy
declaration and for contribution to the economic, cultural and
overall development of a prosperous Croatian state.
(hina) jn rm/mb
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