( Editorial: --> 6865 )
PRIŠTINA, Jan 23 (Hina)- On Friday evening Kosovo Albanians
switched the lights off in their houses and flats in protest to the
repression by the regime in Belgrade.
Lights were switched off exactly at 17:55 hrs, upon instigation by
the Parliamentary Party of Kosovo, after the Serbian police killeed
an Albanian man and wounded two Albanian women in the municipality
of Srbica on Thursday.
The quarters of Priština with Albanian majority were covered in
darkness, which was pierced only by street lights.
According to information from the ground, the appeal by the
Parliamentary Party of Kosovo has also been heeded by Albanians in
other Kosovo muncipalities with Albanian majority.
On Friday the Serbian Defence Ministry denied its involvement in
the clashes in the municipality of Srbica. The police said it
supposed that the incident had been triggered by a clash between
local bands.
(Hina) jn mr
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