( Editorial: --> 5024 )
ZAGREB, Jan 16 (Hina) - Industrial production in Croatia in 1997
increased by 6.8 per cent in relation to the year before.
Production in the manufacturing industry increased by 3.9 per cent
and electrical energy, water and gas supply by 24.2 per cent, while
mining registered a 0.3 per cent decrease.
The production of energy increased by 17 per cent, production of
capital products by 6.6 per cent, durable products by 31.1 per cent
and non-durable products by 11.3 percent.
Comparing industrial production in the October-December 1997
period with the July-September period of the same year, total
industrial production increased by 3.2 per cent.
Had such an increase been realised throughout the whole year, the
increase of industrial production in relation with industrial
production in 1996 would have been 13.0 per cent.
(hina) lm mm
161801 MET jan 98
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