( Editorial: --> 3560 )
ZAGREB, Jan 10 (Hina) - Nedjeljko Visnjic was elected president of
the Serb Community in Croatia at a session on Saturday.
Summarising four years of the Community's work, the delegates had
concluded that "although there is improvement in the status and
life of the Serb national community, their position is still very
difficult," the Community said in a statement.
"The Community is swamped with cases concerning the violation of
human rights, demands for basic documents, the return of refugees
and displaced persons, and reuniting of split families".
Vladeta Nenadovic was elected deputy president of the Serb
Community, Nikola Cetina was elected Secretary, Danko Medic as
president of the Auditing Committee, Darko Mihajlovic was elected
president of the Human Rights and Tolerance Committee, and
Branislav Krivokapic as president of the Information and
Publishing Committee, the Community said.
(hina) lm
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