( Editorial: --> 3090 )
ZAGREB, Jan 8 (Hina) - Croatian Deputy Foreign Minister Ivo Sanader
on Thursday received the incoming head of the European Union
Monitoring Mission, Ambassador Peter Streams.
Streams will head the mission for the next six months during which
time the United Kingdom will chair the EU.
Sanader acquainted his guest with the priorities of Croatia's
foreign affairs after the successful termination of the UNTAES
mandate in eastern Croatia on January 15.
It is important to continue with the normalisation of relations
with Yugoslavia and initiate negotiations on a bilateral agreement
on the protection of minorities, Sanader said.
Croatia will continue to fully support a consistent implementation
of the Washington and Dayton peace agreements, with the aim to
strengthen the peace process, said the deputy foreign minister.
Upon achieving full territorial integrity, Croatia will be able to
fully concentrate on an overall interior economic development, the
strengthening of democracy and its strategic foreign affairs
priorities, such as the inclusion into Central European and
European and Atlantic institutions, Sanader said.
Ambassador Streams thanked the Croatian Government for the
successful cooperation achieved to date.
The activities of the Monitoring Mission, especially after its seat
transferred from Zagreb to Sarajevo in May 1997, will be primarily
directed at Bosnia-Herzegovina, said Streams.
In Croatia, he added, the EU Monitoring Mission will support the
monitoring mission of the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, which will stay in eastern Croatia after
January 15.
(hina) ha jn
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