( Editorial: --> 2509 )
BRCKO, 5 Jan (Hina) - The multiethnic Executive Committee of Brcko
municipality held its first session in Brcko on Monday.
The session was also attended by representatives of the office of
international supervisor Robert Farrand and the regional office of
the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
The Committee discussed a proposal by Brcko Mayor Borko Reljic
concerning the organisation of local administration in Brcko, a
town in north-eastern Bosnia.
The local administration in Brcko should be organised by 23
Supervisor Farrand ordered that the ethnic composition of local
self-government should be 52 per cent Serb, and 48 per cent Bosniak
(Muslim) and Croat.
The proportion reflects the number of Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs
who registered for Bosnian elections in the area of Brcko.
Brcko Mayor Reljic told local radio that "the session of the
Executive Committee was unpleasant" and accused Bosniak
representatives of megalomania when it comes to the number of
Bosniak members in the municipal authorities.
(hina) jn rm
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