( Editorial: --> 1849 )
ZAGREB, Jan 1 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman with his
wife Ankica, top state officials, public figures and celebrities
welcomed in the New Year at Hotel Inter-Continental in Zagreb.
Asked by reporters what he could say to Croatians in 1998, Tudjman
wished everybody well, much health and inner contentment.
"May this year be better to everybody, although the last one was not
bad," the Croatian President said.
"I send my best wishes to all Croatians in the homeland and abroad
and to all citizens of Croatia," Tudjman said adding that everybody
must realise that what will become of 1998, depends on everybody's
personal efforts they make in their lives, jobs, towns and cities,
counties and the whole of Croatia. "Everything depends on us and we
should not expect anything from others," he said.
Tudjman stressed that authority would be in the interest of the
individual ad the State and reiterated that all should contribute
to the goal that Croatia may be free, democratic and rich just what
people wish.
(hina) mm mš
011116 MET jan 98
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