The signatories of the protest statement on Monday labelled as scandalous the appearance of Brana Crncevic, one of the ideologists of the Greater Serbia policy who continued to abide by his ideas even after Milosevic's fall, in the same show, "Nedjeljom u 2", which HTV aired on 14 November.
"Not one senior Serbian official has yet mustered enough moral strength to extend apologies for the great suffering which Croatia and its citizens experienced while resisting the Greater Serbia aggression. That's why we as citizens and HTV subscribers severely condemn its latest evident attempts to engage in its programme persons from Serbia, which has not yet come to terms, either morally or politically, with its past, when it was an aggressor. Although criminal responsibility for the perpetrated crimes is individual, political responsibility is collective," the note reads.
"Aware of the fact that new bridges of confidence must be built between Serbia and Croatia, we would like to warn that relations of that kind cannot be built with people who were active in the implementation of the Greater Serbia policy," the note reads.
This policy cost Croatia 15,000 lives. A higher number of people was wounded, the destiny of 1,184 Croatians is still not known and material damage is estimated at US$32 billion because of that policy, the signatories wrote.