The manoeuvre simulates a mass-scale terrorist attack in several South-East European countries and coordination activities in providing assistance to threatened countries.
Presenting the exercise to domestic and foreign military and civil officials, Croatian brigadier Zeljko Cepanec said the exercise was a distributed, computer-supported, international simulation, with Turkey as its host. The exercise was designed within the South Eastern Defence Ministerial process as part of the South Eastern European Simulation Network (SEESIM) project, which was conceived by the United States.
The manoeuvre was held with the help of video and computer links and simulations in a number of South-East European countries. It was conducted from Turkey. Participating were member-countries of the SEDM initiative - Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, the United States as the co-organiser and technical manager of the project, and Sweden. Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and Uzbekistan participated as observers, Cepanec said.