PRISTINA, Oct 19 (Hina) - The UN civil administrator of Kosovo, SorenJessen Petersen, has appealed to the Serbs to participate in aparliamentary election due to take place this Saturday, saying that itis in their interests and in the
interests of Kosovo, local mediareported on Tuesday.
PRISTINA, Oct 19 (Hina) - The UN civil administrator of Kosovo, Soren
Jessen Petersen, has appealed to the Serbs to participate in a parliamentary
election due to take place this Saturday, saying that it is in their interests
and in the interests of Kosovo, local media reported on Tuesday.Petersen said that the Serbs should fight for their interests and rights
through political institutions in the province. He warned them once again that
their failure to take part in the vote would distance them from processes that
would take place over the next few years.
Petersen's message came after the so-called anti-election committee of
the Serb National Council and the Union of Serb Municipalities of Kosovo called
on the Serbs to reject an appeal by Serbian President Boris Tadic to go to the