The conference, called "The Policy of European Values" is dedicated to common ideas in the European culture which connects the European continent.
Grabar Kitarovic told Hina over the phone that the main topics of the conference are "common ideas in the European culture which connects the European continent" and added that this was the first preparation conference called "Europe: A Wonderfull Idea" at which eminent European scientists and politicians would discuss fundamental values of the EU.
The conference was organised at the initiative of the Dutch Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenend.
After this preparation conference another three will be organised in October and November -- in Warsaw, Berlin and Washington D.C. The entire series of conference will be concluded with "an intellectual summit" in The Hague on December 4, the Croatian European Integration Minister said.
Croatia plans to actively join the debate in the next three conferences, notably at the intellectual summit, Grabar Kitarovic said.