SARAJEVO, Aug 9 (Hina) - Teams of forensic experts this week areresuming the tracing of mass graves in Bosnia-Herzegovina's Prijedorand Foca areas believed to contain the bodies of hundreds of Muslimsand Croats whom Bosnian Serb
troops killed at the start of the 1990swar, Sarajevo-based media said on Monday.
SARAJEVO, Aug 9 (Hina) - Teams of forensic experts this week are
resuming the tracing of mass graves in Bosnia-Herzegovina's Prijedor and Foca
areas believed to contain the bodies of hundreds of Muslims and Croats whom
Bosnian Serb troops killed at the start of the 1990s war, Sarajevo-based media
said on Monday.
Dnevni Avaz quoted the chairman of the state commission for missing
persons, Amor Masovic, as saying the biggest mass grave to date had been
discovered near Foca in southeastern Bosnia. The first buried bodies were
traced on Sunday, confirming information that the location contains the bodies
of hundreds of Muslims.
Masovic assumes many of the bodies might be those of 350 inmates of the
infamous detention centre in Foca who are still listed as missing. The location
discovered on Sunday is important also because the bodies were found with
special equipment whereas previous digging, undertaken on the basis of
testimonies, had yielded no results.
Exhumations near Bratunac in eastern Bosnia are also continuing.
According to Vecernje Novine daily, 125 whole bodies and parts of 75 have
been exhumed at the Biljecevo grave.
The commission for missing persons of Bosnia's Croat-Muslim entity has
announced exhumations of Muslim and Croat remains will be carried out on 10
locations in the Prijedor area, northwestern Bosnia, this week.
According to data collected by authorities and provided by the families of
the missing, Serb troops killed 3,227 people in Prijedor area villages where
Muslims or Croats accounted for the majority population.
A total of 1,589 bodies have been found in graves in the Prijedor, Banja
Luka and Bosanski Novi areas to date.
The remains of 500 persons are awaiting DNA identification at Sanski Most.
(Hina) ha