WASHINGTON, April 3 (Hina) - Over the past several years Croatia through tourism managed to created a positive image of the country and now it could encourage the development of tourism. the president of the U.S. EastWest
Communications company, Thomas Cromwell, said at a meeting held in the Croatian Embassy in Washington on Friday.
WASHINGTON, April 3 (Hina) - Over the past several years Croatia
through tourism managed to created a positive image of the country and
now it could encourage the development of tourism. the president of
the U.S. EastWest Communications company, Thomas Cromwell, said at a
meeting held in the Croatian Embassy in Washington on Friday.#L#
The meeting focused on encouraging tourism and tourist ties between
the United States and other countries.
Stressing that a country needed more than just beautiful beaches,
Corwell said new democracies, including Croatia, needed to form a
recognisable positive image in the world, namely a trade mark.
Apart from Croatian Ambassador to the U.S. Ivan Grdesic. also present
were other ambassadors.
(Hina) it