Earlier this week, the HNB Council adopted monetary policy projections for 2006 which the governor said contained no major novelties.
According to him there are two basic assumptions of the projection.
The first one is that the measures which the central bank adopted in early December, including a rise in the bottom-line compulsory reserves rate, a cut in the rate of general reserves and measures regulating the classification of loans and potential obligation, would bring results.
The measures are aimed at curbing the volume of loans granted by the bank, including those granted to the state.
All of this should result in deceleration in the growth of the external debt, with the country's external debt accounting for 82-83 percent of GDP at the end of 2006, he explained.
The other assumption is that the measures would ensure that the general government deficit would remain within the projected 3.3 percent of GDP and that it could be covered by the income from privatisation and bonds issued on the domestic market.
Rohatinski also said he expected that the exchange rate of the kuna against the euro would remain at the current rate of 7.4 kuna for one euro.