Speaking to the press in Banja Luka, Humphreys said the Serb entity's president, premier and interior minister had done an impressive job in cooperation with the UN court, but added he expected the remaining indictees, primarily Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, to be extradited in the coming months.
Humphreys refuted public speculation that the European Union was financing the voluntary surrender of Hague tribunal indictees.
The Serb entity's finance minister, Svetlana Cenic, told the same press conference that 25,000 euros was earmarked from the entity budget as encouragement for each voluntary surrender.
"We estimated that this was both cheaper and more effective than paying for the engagement of hundreds of special police expected to locate and arrest those wanted by the Hague tribunal for war crimes, as is done in Croatia, for example," Cenic said.