The service was launched by Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, who from the government headquarters sent electronic data from the government's accounting service to the Regos central register of insurees.
As of next week, the public will be able to use an e-cadastre, efforts will be made to introduce the electronic registration of VAT by the end of the year, and the electronic filing of annual income tax returns will be introduced next year, Sanader said.
In less than six months the government's service has helped open more than 800 companies and trades, PM Sanader said, adding that the government's goal was to shorten the registration of businesses and trades from five days to one day.
With the introduction of e-Regos, the first fully digitalised interactive service, the service will enter all companies and computers connected to the Internet, said the state secretary of the Central State Office for e-Croatia, Miroslav Kovacic.
The service, also known as one-stop shop, is expected to be fully implemented by the end of 2007.