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ICTY prosecution without comment on possible retrial in Blaskic case

Autor: ;rmli;
ZAGREB, Aug 24 (Hina) - The Office of the Prosecutor of theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) onWednesday would not comment on claims published by the Zagreb-basedGlobus weekly that Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte has requested theICTY to launch a retrial of the former commander of the Central BosniaOperations Zone, Tihomir Blaskic, reportedly on the basis of newevidence provided by a new secret witness.
ZAGREB, Aug 24 (Hina) - The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Wednesday would not comment on claims published by the Zagreb-based Globus weekly that Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte has requested the ICTY to launch a retrial of the former commander of the Central Bosnia Operations Zone, Tihomir Blaskic, reportedly on the basis of new evidence provided by a new secret witness.

When asked about the weekly's claims, officials with Del Ponte's office said they had no comment.

"We have not received any official notification and we have no comment," Croatian Assistant Justice Minister Jaksa Muljacic said when asked if the tribunal had contacted Croatian officials regarding the case.

Blaskic's attorney Anto Nobilo was unavailable for comment.

The weekly claims that the motion for a retrial was submitted one day before the expiry of the deadline for such motions and speculates that possible secret witnesses are ICTY indictees Miroslav Bralo Cicko or Pasko Ljubicic.

Bralo, a former member of the Bosnian Croat army (HVO) indicted for war crimes against Muslims in the Lasva River valley in 1993, entered a plea-bargain with the prosecution in July this year, pleading guilty to

all eight counts of the indictment for the massacre in the village of Ahmici.

Ljubicic, commander of the HVO Military Police 4th Unit, is charged with crimes against humanity and violations of the laws and customs of war committed through the expulsion, killing and violence against Muslims in the Lasva River valley, particularly in the April 1993 massacre in Ahmici.

Under Article 119 of the ICTY Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the defence must respond to a request by the prosecution for a retrial within 40 days, after which the prosecution has another 15 days to submit its response.

On 29 July last year the tribunal passed a final verdict in the Blaskic case reducing Blaskic's prison sentence from 45 to nine years. Under the verdict, Blaskic was found guilty of the torture of prisoners, which included using prisoners to dig trenches and as human shields, and was acquitted of all charges regarding the Ahmici massacre.

The final verdict read that Blaskic did not have control over the units which committed the crimes in Ahmici, as well as that there was a parallel chain of command used by other people to control the HVO.

(Hina) rml

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