The survey was conducted in late May and early June. It polled 685 people, 57 per cent of whom working full time, 31 per cent unemployed, and 12 per cent working part-time.
Twenty-three per cent of those polled would not work illegally even for an income double the amount of their current salary, while 27 per cent said they did not know.
The three fields where illegal labour is most widespread, according to those polled, are construction, the hotel and catering trade, and commerce.
Only 37 per cent said they would report their employers for failure to pay salaries and other benefits provided by the law. As many as 36 per cent did not know if they would report their employers in such a situation, while 27 per cent would not report those who employed them illegally.
According to SSSH estimates, about 400,000 people in Croatia work illegally.