"The Croatian president is entitled to his position, but whether I consider this position good is another question. I think that at no moment should the processes of cooperation among regional countries be closed or slowed down, because constant communication and problem solving is a significant interest of all the nations living in the region," Tadic told the press after meeting Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller.
At another press conference, Tadic said he objected to politicians from the region referring to the past.
"Sixty years after the Second World War and mentally we are still in that war. Who cares about Chetniks, the Ustasha and the partisans in the world of today?" Tadic was quoted by Beta news agency as saying.
He added this was a "wrong perception of the times we live in" and a futile topic which Balkan leaders should replace with talks about technological development, the education of the population, and how to create political stability in order to attract foreign investors.