The committee is expected to reach agreement on the distribution of about US$220 million deposited with five commercial banks in 13 countries.
At a previous meeting in Zagreb last June, the committee reached agreement on the distribution of monetary gold valued at $107 million, which is deposited with the Credite Suisse bank and the French central bank. It also agreed on the distribution of monetary gold worth $480,000, which the Yugoslav central bank held with the Gold Commission of the United States, Great Britain and France.
According to an agreement, Croatia is entitled to 23% of the funds, Slovenia to 16%, Bosnia and Herzegovina to 15.5%, Macedonia to 7.5%, and Serbia and Montenegro to 38%.
At the meeting in Zagreb, the committee also adopted a resolution requesting that the Standing Joint Committee account for the disappearance of more than US$580 million from the accounts of the former Yugoslav National Bank, where only $50 million remained.