The statement, signed by Editor-in-Chief Bojan Divjak, said that Seks had not threatened or exerted pressure on the editors and journalists and that he had not contacted the newspaper or discussed the content of its articles.
"Glas Slavonije covers all events professionally and objectively and resolutely rejects any insinuation that anyone is in any way influencing its reporting," the daily said.
Divjak is on the list of founders of the civic association the Croatian Democratic Assembly of Slavonija and Baranja (HDSSB), whose establishment was initiated by Glavas.
Seks also denied Glavas's allegations. "It is not true at all that I called editors of Glas Slavonije or any of its journalists. I did not threaten anyone, nor did I exert pressure on anyone to stop writing about something," the Parliament speaker told Hina.